I started in the greenhouse industry in 1992. I was part of a company that bought and moved a greenhouse manufacturing company from Long Island, NY. to Somers, CT. In the early years of that company, we focused on the Horticultural Industry. In the late 90’s we ventured into the Dairy Industry. We developed a line of “Dairy Barn’s” that we marketed and sold to Dairy Farmers all over the country. Since 2003, I have worked in all aspects of the “Fabric Building” industry. I have done Sales. I have Designed Structures. I have Manufactured Structures. I have Built Structures. Because of my many years in the “Fabric Building” industry, in the many roles that I have played along the way, I am confident that I can assist you on your journey of finding the right “Fabric Building” for your exact situation.

Give me a call, I would love to discuss your next project with you.